Sunday, 28 September 2008

How Does Web 2.0 Affect Me?

• Web 2.o gives me the chance to communicate on a social network with different people from across the world for example MSN, MySpace Facebook.
• Its fast internet connection allows me the option to view more websites at the same time and share videos, pictures and even music.
• I’m able to download music from sites like Limewire, iTunes, Emusic and I’m also able to download films from sites like OVguide, Veoh and Yahoo.
• Web 2.0 has changed the way I use the internet and without it, it wouldn’t be as entertaining, for sites like YouTube.
What is Web 1.0?

With web 1.0 the web master is constantly burdened with the responsibility of updating the website keeping visitors informed and engaged, however today internet users are looking for more than just information, they are searching for experience and entertainment. Now new technology is transforming the way people use the World Wide Web, that’s when Web 2.o comes in
What is web 2.0 
Web 2.0 is the advancement in technology 
Web 2.0 ideas have led to the development of web-based communities and hosted services, 
such as:-

- Social-networking sites e.g. facebook, MSN, bebo, Myspace 
- Video sharing sites e.g youtube, Veoh, Peekvid, iFilms  and many more...
- Wikis, e.g. wikipedia, wikishop 
- Blogs
- Social classification  

Web 2.0 is pure and simply as the technology grows 
We grow around it to accommodate more of our needs 
Web 2.0 is a big step forward in the evolution of the WORLD WIDE WEB!!!